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Nomination Launches Plymouth Inspired Charm

Earlier this year our wonderful Megan in Plymouth said ‘wouldn’t it be nice to have a Plymouth specific charm to celebrate local’… fast forward a few months and we are super excited to announce we have a local inspired link launching in our Plymouth branch on Friday 17th May.

It’s fair to say, Nomination is one of our customer favourites in Plymouth and we can see why as we love it too! To be able to combine our love for Nomination with our passion for everything local seemed like the perfect fit!

We wanted our gorgeous local link to say Plymouth in a picturesque way and when it came to brainstorming ideas with the team, they were all quick to jump to Plymouth’s most iconic landmark… Smeaton’s Tower.

This cute link will only be available from our Plymouth branch for now and will retail at £24.

To celebrate its arrival into store, we will be holding a launch event where the first 20 customers to purchase the Plymouth link will receive an exclusive goody bag.

The event will run in store from Friday 17th May until Sunday 19th May.

We look forward to seeing you there.

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